Danny with his 267lbs buck
Danny with his 267lbs buck

Word about great bucks killed in the South Carolina lowcountry travels fast! And when that buck weighs 267 pounds, that word literaly breaks the sound barrier as it spreads.

That’s right! You heard me, 267 pounds of whitetail! And to top it off, the deer sported a big, beautiful dark rack with 8 long points, including 10.5 inch G-2s, that scored around 124 inches and had a 32 inch neck. It was killed over on our trophy land by Cypress Creek’s owner Danny Harrell last week when he went to shoot a doe for some meat for the lodge when the monster stood up in the cotton field he was sitting on. And what is ironic is that this is stand that we don’t even put guests in because it sits so close to the highway where the noise of traffic takes away from the experience. Also, please note that the huge buck is also the first buck Danny has ever killed on our property in the 10 years Cypress Creek has been open. The deer are always left for guests to kill, but he said he just couldn’t pass him up when he saw how huge he was and since he was on a stand that we don’t even hunt.

dsc_0040webAnd to go ahead and refute some of the stories I have heard in town already about the giant deer, I promise you that it wasn’t killed in Canada while Danny was up bear hunting and brought back; it also had testicles – huge ones at that 🙂 So nothing fake about the buck or wrong with it, just simply a huge buck that was allowed to grow old under a great Quality Deer Management program. If anyone has any other questions or theories about the buck, you can call or email me since I was the one that helped load the deer.

PS: We have had several more nice bucks killed in the last few days by our guests, and I will be sharing those pictures and stories on Monday. Have a great weekend and good luck in the woods!


Hi, I’m QualityHunting


  1. hey danny congrats on a big beatiful buck! can’t wait to get back down to cypress creek.

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