Hunting The New Year

Cypress Creek Hunting Lodge hunted right up to the last minute of 2011 and straight into 2012.
We had our friend Monica and her son Brian join us for the second time this season to hunt out the old year, and they both took big does before the clock ran out and ended South Carolina’s deer season. Monica, who took a

good 8pt in October, struck first on a nice doe. Brian, who shot a button buck for his first deer on the same trip, then followed her lead when he took a big doe as his second deer ever!
That last week of 2011, we also had several new friends join us. Chuck, Vince and his son Zach came down from PA hoping for a hog, and they all had a fantastic time while with us. However it was Zach that showed his dad and Uncle that you have to be flexible and shoot what is moving when he rolled up his biggest buck to date: a nice 9 point. We also had Tom and his nephew Garrett down from PA for his first hunt ever, and Garrett really came through when he nailed a nice doe to claim his first deer ever! So congratulations to all of our successful hunters, and we thank everyone for helping us ring out the old year.

However, even though the deer season ended on January 1st for us old folks, South Carolina held a special youth hunting day on Jan. 7th for those 17 years old and younger. And we had three sets of parent/young hunters hoping to finish out the season with some venison. However, no matter how much we parents want our youngsters to get a deer, it is still hunting and that means no guaranteed kill for them! And that is just what happened: one youth missed a nice buck, one passed on a small doe trying to get a bigger one and ended up with nothing, and one didn’t see anything. But that is REAL hunting! Fortunately they all had a fantastic time in the outdoors and that is the most important thing.

The same weekend as the youth hunt, we also had 3 new guests down from VA join us to kick off our winter/spring hog hunting: Stephen, Tony and Aaron. They all heard and saw hogs, but it was Stephen that took down a trophy 162lb. boar with huge cutters as well as a coyote.
And speaking of making the the switch over to our winter/spring hog hunts, we have prepared for them by picking up a huge tract of new land that is just down the road from our lodge and absolutely loaded with big boars! Henry and I have already gotten most of the stands fixed up and fresh shooting lanes cut while Danny bushhogged the roads and started cutting up some of the overgrown food plots so we can get them in this summer. With the new tract along with our other hog lands that we already have, it should be one of our best

springs ever. So please consider joining us for a exciting hunt and some great fellowship. We also start turkey hunting on March 15th, and our turkey/hog combo hunts are probably some of the best deals going. We pursue big longbeards in the morning when they are most talkative, then switch over after a tasty lunch to chasing pigs in the afternoons when they tend to move the best. So give Becky a call and get on the books ASAP. We always book up fast for these hunts, so don’t wait to get the date that best works for you!