Warm Start To New Year’s Hog Hunts
- Wounded Warriors hunt w/ Mike, Randy,Matt
I must apologize for not updating our blog lately, but I was out of town for a week and then got busy with our new year’s hog hunts after returning to the lowcountry. However, despite the unseasonably warm weather that has plagued South Carolina lately, I am excited to report that all of our hunters have been having great days in our woods with most at least seeing hogs and many harvesting one.
- Mike with his nice boar
And that is exactly what we expect during this time of year since there is usually so little food left in the woods for the hogs that they typically have to move more to eat. They also tend to move better once all of the deer hunters and the pressure they bring leave the woods after January 1st. However, while we are off to a pretty good start with the groups that we have had, the hunting would be much better if it wasn’t almost 80 degrees when it should be near freezing! But that is real fair-chase hunting…
- Matt with his M1 kill!
And a couple of guys that didn’t let the warm weather stand in their way of having a great hunt while in the lowcountry were the three veterans we invited down as part of a Wounded Warrior hunt three weeks ago where 2 of the 3 killed hogs. Matt shot a nice, tasty 70lb boar while Mike shot a big 170lb sow. Also, please note Matt head shot his pig with an open-sighted M1 just to prove that you can take a soldier out of the military, but you can’t take the military training out of the soldier! It was a great event, and we want to truly thank them for joining us for the hunt and thank ALL of those that serve our great country. And you can rest assured that we will be holding some of these hunts as often as we can from now on!
- Kevin and his dad Art with his hog
Some of the other hunters that we have been fortunate enough to have in camp over the last few weeks were John and Alex, Kevin and his dad Art, and Keith and Robert from NC. Alex shot a nice 100lb boar on his one day hunt while Robert killed a good pig and Keith shot a 250lb boar in the rain that unfortunately we didn’t find until a few days later. Art also shot a nice meat hog while over from Hilton Head with Kevin down from VA.
Then, last week, we had our good friend Frank D. down from NY again, and as always he saw lots of pigs, missed a few and killed once huge boar; just check out the teeth on that sucker! We also had a few of our friends from the Charlotte Bass Pro Shops down again this year, and while they all saw lots of young pigs and sows, it was Daniel that took home the bacon when he shot a nice 100lb boar hog. They also got in quite a bit of fishing and caught a pile of small bass and a couple of bigger ones up to 7lbs.
Then, after a few days off, we got right back into the swing of things with a big group from VA this past weekend whose members all saw tons of pigs, missed several and killed 7! Bill started things off with his pistol on a small meat hog on Friday, then Saturday Rudy shot a big sow while Jerry rolled up a big boar, and finally Sunday Chris and Wayne both shot 2 apiece.
- Wayne and Chris of VA with their four kills
So, as you can see, while we have been battling the heat this winter, it hasn’t stopped us from providing our guests some great hunts and putting them on some big pigs. And we would love to have you join us on one of our great hog hunts, so
- Rudy with his giant sow and Jerry with his big boar
please give us a call to get your Spring dates on the books. And don’t forget that turkey season is just around the corner. The birds are already starting to gobble on the roast, and many hunters are reporting big, strutting toms wandering by their stands. Turkey season starts on March 15th, so get those dates on the books ASAP as well if you want to experience some of the best turkey hunting anywhere! We look forward to having you…